Hey again, snacker reader! 🌟 I hope you’ve got your snacks ready because what I’m about to share with you will take you deep into one of the most incredible adventures I've had!
Everything started last Tuesday. I packed my bag with comfy clothes, warm layers, and set off for the airport. I knew this was going to be an amazing journey, but little did I know—it would surpass all expectations.
As soon as we landed in Jujuy, we headed straight for Humahuaca, a small town halfway between the airport and our final destination, the community of La Mesada. We stayed at a local community center, and they graciously hosted us for just a few euros, knowing the purpose of our trip.
We arrived in the afternoon, and we were advised not to eat too much that evening since we’d be climbing to an altitude of 4,000 meters the next day—eating lightly would help us adjust to the altitude. So, we grabbed some fruit for dinner and got to work organizing the donations we had gathered from friends and family. We had 5 bags packed full of essentials—colored pencils, notebooks, snacks, towels, clothes, cleaning supplies, and so much more.
Oh, and let me introduce my travel buddy—Carolina! She’s the godmother of this community, and she kindly offered to join me on this adventure. I was so grateful to have her by my side.
By the time we finished packing everything up, it was time for bed. We had an early start—our driver, Coco, would be picking us up at 7 AM. A long day awaited us!
The next morning, Coco arrived with his big red truck, and off we went. Our first stop was Iruya, a town nestled almost at the top of northern Salta. But La Mesada, our final destination, was still further up the mountains.

After waiting a few hours in Iruya, Wari—our next driver—took us to the base of the mountain. Wari lives in a nearby community (and by "near," I mean 2 or 3 hours away!). He kindly fetched us and took us to the base for a very reasonable price, and we made sure to send some donations to his family as well, in gratitude.
However, things didn’t go exactly as planned. Wari was delayed, and by the time we reached the base of the mountain, it was already 5 PM. We were worried because there wasn’t much daylight left, and we had a long, narrow path to climb—right next to a sheer drop. Every step higher made the air thinner, and our energy was running low.
I won’t lie, it was one of the toughest climbs I’ve ever done. I’m an active person—I train five days a week—but this was a whole new level of challenge. There were moments when I could hardly catch my breath, and anxiety crept in. But the thought of finally meeting the children and seeing the community I’d heard so much about pushed me forward.
And then there was Evaristo—the community leader—who met us with a mule to carry the donations. He was hilarious, always cracking jokes, while Carolina and I were struggling for breath! Every time we asked how much farther we had to go, he’d say “ahisito”—a local word that means "just around the corner"—which only made us laugh even more because it was never true. 😄
As we climbed, we talked with Evaristo about the community, his journeys up and down the mountain (he does this regularly!), and how the sustainable kitchens were changing lives. It was the kind of conversation that helped time pass, but I couldn’t wait to arrive.
Finally, we made it! As we stepped into La Mesada, a pack of dogs came rushing to greet us, barking their warm welcome. I can’t describe the feeling of arriving after that grueling climb. It was the same rush of accomplishment you feel after finishing a big task, or completing a tough workout. We did it. We arrived at La Mesada.
**Part 3** is coming soon, where I’ll share the heartwarming dinner we had, the beautiful day spent with the children at the school, and the interviews with community members.
You won’t want to miss it!
Until then, thank you for following along and for making all of this possible. Your support, your subscriptions, and your constant help are what make this journey a reality.
See you in the next chapter!